Chronic Conflict Families: Dynamics and Intervention Strategies
So many families struggle to learn to co-parent and work together for their children and consequently, children are exposed to ongoing interpersonal conflict. Finding ways to reduce this exposure to chronic conflict is critical as decades of research shows it is the conflict that is so destructive for children’s development.
This training is for guardians ad Litem and mental health clinicians to learn more effective techniques to work with these families to reduce the conflict children experience. It addresses the issues that interfere with successful co-parenting, and teaches professionals to avoid the traps and pitfalls that exist when working with these chronically conflicted families. The training will provide concrete strategies and techniques to help families better insulate their children and move forward instead of being mired in the chaos-driven conflict.
This workshop will be offered on two Fridays in April from 8:30 to 4:30 pm.
- Friday 4/14, at Hilton Garden Inn – 250 Haskell Rd, Bangor, ME
- Friday 4/28, at People’s Heritage Bank – 11 Scammon S. Saco, Maine